Wednesday 10 July 2013



Previous Reference : First Post :It's Never Late To Contemplate on the Values of Shastras

Second Post : Three Layers of Personality and Happiness

The summary of my previous post was that the individuality identifying itself with subtler personalities achieves greater and greater happiness, in the order of their subtlety, even though the circumstances remain same. The next point was that the subtler personalities face greater challenges than that of grosser ones. Here, a natural question arises, “How the people, identifying with the subtler personalities, do receive the greater share of happiness while they face enhanced quantity of challenges and the problems? Also, where from do they get the strength and ability to fight these over flooding challenges?” We will discuss that in this post. But before that you must know the method of ascertaining as to which one of these three personalities is predominantly constitute your being. It is not that difficult.

You need to ask one simple question to your self, “Who are you?” The answers on different occasions and in situations may be many, and all may be correct. But this question must be from you to your self. Introspect. Go deep within yourself and observe the answer that your inner self (अंतःकरण) will whispers back to you. If in that answer your get description of your body, that is how handsome or beautiful you are, or, your age, earnings, occupation, your home, status etc, all gross descriptions, you need to realize that you are predominantly a physical being. (I use the word ‘predominantly’ very often. This is just to emphasize that each one of us is a complex mixture of these personalities, but there is always one that constitutes its major portion. I may be fifty percent physical, forty-five percent emotional and only five percent intellectual. In this case, I am predominantly a physical being. This ratio would vary from person to person.) In this situation, lesser will be your struggles as well as your happiness, compared to others having subtler personalities.

 Swamy Vivekananda once complimented the physical fortitude and uncaring nature of a dark black man coming from the uncivilized regions of thick African forests. Swami Ji jokingly said, “I would gladly exchange my intellectual wealth with the unblemished health and non-bothering attitude of this man. He never got ill and needed a pill. No worries and also no ambitions. He was immune to insults or mental tortures where we find our selves miserably very weak.  The only feelings he had were necessitated by the instinct of survival. But most of the people are not like that. This was just a caricature of a physical being to make things clearer.

That is enough about the physical beings. If you are an emotional being, in the answer you receive from within yourself, you will give least importance to your physical personality or to the things concerning to your gross ego. In stead you will find yourself concentrating more on and concerned with subtle things like emotions, feelings, friendship, relationships, compassion, piety, art, poetry etc. Even the parents, especially mothers are predominantly emotional beings. They dedicate themselves to the welfare of their off-springs. This word ‘dedication’ defines the subtlety of the layer and gives it a new dimension. Such dedication is not at all there in physical beings. This dedication opens a secret door of immense energy and strength.

Here, I feel like to tell you a short story. A woman, a feeble woman (अवाला) comes back from the market and finds her house ablaze. People surrounding the house are shouting for help because an infant is still left inside the burning house. The woman runs into the house. Everybody tries to stop her because the fire has dangerously engulfed the whole building. But she jerks every one away as if they were all dummies and like a bullet rushes into the house. Out side the blazing house, there is a murmur among the bystanders. “She wouldn’t survive.” “We should have not allowed her to go there.” “Anyone would become pakora (पकोड़ा) by entering into such furious flames.” But there she comes out of the house very much intact, through those apparently all devouring flames, with her baby child, safely secured in the protection of her loving hands. Every one stunned, keeps looks at this scene like a zombie with their eyes amazed and the mouths wide agape. Where from did she get such courage and energy?  

Did you see Hindi movie ‘Roza’ or English movies ‘Home alone’ or ‘The Flight Plan’ etc? Though these are the stories, imagination of some writer, but then can you imagine some thing impossible, some thing that is not from this world. Even the stories get characters from this world only, may be one bit from here and the other from there. And then the writer may mould those pieces together into one. Such things do happen. This is the experience of all of us that these dedicated persons behave extraordinarily under the pressure of extreme adversities. They get their strength from their dedication, from their love, from their self-less attitude (निश्काम भावना). There, my friends, lies hidden, the ocean of miraculous strength and courage. I am sure, you did go through such moments, when your emotional aspects dominated the rest of your personalities, and the seriousness of the occasion demanded sudden and a drastic action from you; and you did perform that action; the very action  that you cannot otherwise think even to try.

The people of ideals, ideologies, missions etc, come under the category of predominantly intellectual personalities. They neither care for their personal or physical things nor their feelings and emotions. They have a vision, a target to achieve, or a mission to accomplish, and they put all their strength into that. And while doing that neither their minds nor bodily requirements hinder their way. In Sundar Kand of Ramayana, the mighty Hanuman ji when get arrested by Angad and taken to the court of Ravana, even the miserable inhabitant of Lanka stamped and spitted on him. ‘मारहिं लात करहिं बहु हसा. But Hanuman ji remains sentimentally untouched. That is the attitude of the people of this category. Anna says अपमान पीना सीखो. How can some one, who has a mission, afford sentimental setbacks and botherations? My friends circle on Face book is very diminutive. But I fortunately have a few friends who have dedicated themselves for certain ideals. My son, for one, is involved in a number of selfless activities. He was once carrying a man to a hospital who got some injuries and few fractured bones in an accident occurred a little while before, and that convulsing and delirious man abused him all the way, but undisturbed by all aspersions (including of bystanders and police) he took him to the hospital and saved him. And a lady friend of mine dedicated herself to certain ideals, the ideal of planting trees, interacting with the people and inculcating the necessity of up-keeping the environment by maintaining the balance of flora and fauna, fighting against corruption etc. It is India, and dedicated their life to that vision. They made ultimate sacrifices with their faces dazzling and smiling lips. Chandra Sekhar Azad, Bhagat Singh, Shyama Prasad Vismil, Mahatma Gandhi .....are few to name from an unending line of selfless people dedicated to same higher ideals. Source of all the energy and courage is the ideal. The taller the ideal, the greater the flow of energy and courage and also the thrill. And there lies the treasure of happiness, undiminished by much needed sacrifices. We all know about that mighty son of Sri Ramkrishna. Only 39 years he lived and but left a legacy of exemplary selfless dedication for millenniums to come. Shankara, a boy of eight, got a vision, dedicated himself to that ideal, and could accomplish what to any one else with any amount of zeal would have been impossible. No missionary in the world could perform miracle during the span of  his life. He lived only for 29 years and fought the philosophical battles of ensuing millenniums. I don’t think I need to talk about his achievements. Every one is expected to know all that.
heartening to see her, fighting her way out against all adversities, digressions, and abominable aspersions but she keeps doing her job undisturbed by all that. Undoubtedly, the dedication to accomplish something selflessly attributes the required strength and courage to meet such challenges. We cannot ignore our freedom fighters, which had a vision of independent

Geeta says मन्मना कृत meaning perform all your duties dedicated to ‘me’ the Lord. And when that is done, the doer remains untouched by the fatigue, failure or foul play. The Lord takes care of that. अहम् त्वा सर्व पापेभ्यो मोक्षस्यामि मा शुचः . That is the law of nature and Karma. If you are dedicated to a post of judge, you are not tarnished by the punishments you provoke. Your ideal to which you have dedicated yourselves, takes care of your problems, struggles, challenges, fights etc and rewards you with endless happiness and bliss, befitting to and as per the height of that ideal. The advice of Vedanta to the aspirant is that he should come out of his egoistic cell, dedicate himself to some higher ideal and then selflessly and sincerely act for it as an ambassador of that ideal.  This way, there is no possibility of failure. This is the grand passage to endless strength and courage.

Thanks. Please let me know your comments on this and advises to improve. I am not a professional writer or philosopher, and I don’t do ‘copy-paste’ here. I meditate, contemplate, write, rewrite and edit it myself. So any suggestion to make this page better, is most welcome. I hope you have studied my previous two posts; the first one "It is Never Late to Contemplate on the Values of Shastras", and the second dealing with the "Three Layers of Personalities." I am sure you enjoyed both. Thanks again.



Yaduraj Singh Bais.

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