Sunday 14 July 2013



Please also see previous posts to maintain continuity of thought.

I did talk of the personification of Vedic philosophical ruling that got characterized in our great religious texts. Dasharatha and Dasaanana of Ramayana are the examples of two extremes that portray the powers of our ‘mind’ as two opposite poles. Our ‘mind’ is the greatest friend and also the worst enemy and all of us are bound to obey its commands. We can make ourselves by the proper use of this ‘mind’ and also destroy by its improper use. It all depends on how we use this unlimited power given to us. All religious books through medium of their characters explain the power of mind and illustrate the ways to tame its powers for the useful purposes. Even the pure philosophical books like Yogavaashishthya (योगवाशिष्ठ्य), all through their texts, discuss the ways and designs of activities of mind and give valuable advices to harness its powers. Vedanta is particularly dedicated to this task.

Gita, a prominent constituent of Vedanta philosophy, if taken literally, appears to be a discourse between the Lord and Arjuna on the battle field of Kurukshetra, and we, the unthinking bhaktas, so blindly confine ourselves to the literal meaning, that we never even look beyond and see the allegorical significance of the same, at all. And those, who are a bit squeamish, don’t even appreciate the scripture simply because that such a long discussion could have not taken place on a battle field keeping both the armies waiting. We, like ignorant fools, never dare come out of the rut we are placed in, by the priest class, or otherwise, and analyze the intent of the scripture in a wiser way.

This priest class or the self proclaimed pandits of our society, who have the authority to preach the religion and philosophy just because of the co-incidence of their births, have done tremendous damage to our commonly inherited great religious and philosophical values. They introduced the rituals, traditions and endless dogmas whereby they can rule over the Hindu society, dictate their terms and earn their living as their privilege. If you some how gather guts to question them or their authority, believe it or not, they would get united and have well designed methods and measures to show you your place then and there. The Vedantins, in fact, stand as a minority in the present Hindu society. In the majority of orthodox Hindus there exists a vast section of people who fanatically believe in orthodox dogmas and behave as an army of fanatic fools if you just open your mouth against blind practices. Pained by this state of affairs, Swami Vivekananda once commented, “Your bhakti is a sentimental nonsense.” In another lecture he painfully further stated, “Half has been stolen and lost; and the other half which remains is in the hands of men who, like dogs in the manger, do not eat themselves and will not allow others to do so....The West is groaning under the tyranny of the Shylocks, and the East is groaning under the tyranny of the priests.” (Shylock is a character in Shakespeare’s drama ‘Merchant of Venice’ symbolic of base materialism)

Let us come back. Gita is not a discourse between two living characters. It is an eternal discussion going on within each one of us. It is, however, a different issue, that we take cognition of the discussion or simply ignore it. If we think and look at the scripture in the light of wisdom we can visualize the truth of Gita. When the ego (Arjuna) in its dejection sits back in the body (chariot), throwing down all instruments of ego-centric activities (Gandiva), and when the sense-organs (the white horses) are held back, well under control, by the pulled reins (the mind), then the charioteer (the Pure Intellect) shall lend the ego a divine strength, and guide it to the ultimate victory over the forces of Adharma with the help of the dynamism of Dharma, even though the former may seem much stronger in force than the simple-looking dynamism in the later. Most necessary condition for this dialog to take place is that the reins of the horses of Indriyas should be pulled back by the mind and listen to the directions of the pure intellect. If that is done, in any field of life and performing any activity, we are guided by the Blessed Lord and win the battle. But normally, if properly introspected, we can easily see the wall between the mind and the intellect, and we like a blind man run in directions that our Indriyas lead and the mind dictates.

All our actions that make or mar our personality emanate from the tendencies we have so meticulously and laboriously harvested in our minds. The actions are the gross extensions of thoughts and a mind is said to be generated by the continuous flow of thoughts. Please remember that the Mind is not a biological organ in our body. It is generated the same way as the current is generated out of electrons by a difference in their potential or the current in the water when it is moving from a higher platform to lower one. Nevertheless, it happens to be a cause and dynamism behind all activities, whether they are physical, mental or even intellectual. The psychological researches also show that the Individual minds are some way related to some unseen total or Universal Mind. The frenzies and revolutions are caused by a typical thought-flow in the total (Universal) Mind and every individual gets unknowingly affected. Some thing happens in Delhi, and suddenly the whole of India, nay, even the foreign countries react to that. We find every one coming out of the houses and rushing to the streets and protesting against the evil done. Have we ever analyzed whether that was first evil deed committed and also it became the last, never to recur again? Before this horrible incidence and even after that, the worse incidences took place but remained un-noticed by the people, simply because the total Mind did not react to that. The heroes of the past, in fact, were the approval of the total Mind and the public followed them. So, let us understand that the individual mind is a part of the Universal Mind. Each mind is connected with every other mind. And each mind, wherever it is located, is in actual communication with the other minds of whole world.

If our minds were isolated entities, one there and another some where  else, scattered all over the world with no connection between the two, then how would it be possible for my thought to reach you? In the ordinary cases, it is not my thought that is reaching you direct; but my thought has got to be dissolved into ethereal vibrations and those ethereal vibrations go into your brain, and they have to be resolved again into your own thoughts. Here, when dissolution of thought takes place, the resolution of the same thought occurs at the other end. It is a roundabout process. But in telepathy, it is direct, no dissolution and no resolution. Yogis call it a continuity of mind. The mind is universal. Your mind, my mind, all these little minds, are fragments of that Universal Mind, little waves in the ocean; and on account of this continuity, we can, if we have the control over the mind, convey our thoughts directly to one another.

The laws of Karma, therefore, first of all involve individual mind and then the Universal Mind. I don’t reap the fruits of only my own actions and the same thing is applicable to you too. All of us are bound to face the reactions of total karmas. Our good deeds and thoughts make the overall world good and vis-à-vis. If we don’t go by this logic a number of aspects will remain un-clarified. Swami Vivekananda says: “Just as every action that emanates from us comes back to us as reaction; even so our actions may act on other people and theirs on us. Perhaps all of us have observed it as a fact that when persons do evil actions, they become more and more evil, and when they begin to do good, they become stronger and stronger and learn to do good at all times. This intensification of the influence of action cannot be explained on any other ground than that we can act and react upon each other. To take an illustration from physical science, when I am doing a certain action, my mind may be said to be in a certain state of vibration; all minds which are in similar circumstances will have the tendency to be affected by my mind. If there are different musical instruments tuned alike in one room, you may have noticed that when one is struck, the others have the tendency to vibrate so as to give the same note. So all minds that have the same tension, so to say, will be equally affected by the same thought. Of course, this influence of thought on mind will vary according to distance and other causes, but the mind is always open to affection. Suppose I am doing an evil act, my mind is in a certain state of vibration, and all minds in the universe, which are in a similar state, have the possibility of being affected by the vibration of my mind. So, when I am doing a good action, my mind is in another state of vibration; and all minds similarly strung have the possibility of being affected by my mind; and this power of mind upon mind is, more or less, according to the force of the tension whether it is greater or lesser.”

Let us conclude. Flow of thoughts generates a mind and the mind dictates our actions. Individual minds how ever individual they may be, they are part and parcel of Universal Mind and so are the actions (Karmas). Each action affects the world, and each one of us is affected by the actions performed by the others. We are socially interlinked and reap the harvest of our total actions together. This truth was realized by our ancestors, sadly though we have forgotten the same. Vedas declare:


It is neither justified nor logical to have divisions after divisions. So, Let us seek the wisdom in the following lines of Tagore:-

Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high
Where knowledge is free
Where the world has not been broken up into fragments
By narrow domestic walls
Where words come out from the depth of truth
Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection
Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way
Into the dreary desert sand of dead habit
Where the mind is led forward by thee
Into ever-widening thought and action
Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.


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